Residential Roof Maintenance

Lack of maintenance is perhaps the single biggest cause of premature roof failure. The cost of a comprehensive maintenance program is minimal compared to the cost of repairing and/or removing and replacing a damaged roofing system. Professional maintenance guarantees you get the most out of your roof system and as a bonus, we offer discounted repairs for the term of our agreement. Having professionally scheduled maintenance also gives you peace of mind that your roof is taken care of, freeing up your headspace for more important issues!

Don’t stress about your roof anymore… RiverLand has you covered!

Protect your family and your future with RiverLand

Our maintenance program utilizes GAF’s Scheduled Maintenance for shingle roofs - Keep your roof system working as intended and maximize its potential with RiverLand Maintenance!

Choose one of our Good, Better, Best packages or request your own custom maintenance plan.

  • "Good"

    Full Roof Inspection - Interior & Exterior


  • "Better"

    “Good” + Gutter Cleaning & Debris Removal


  • "Best"

    “Better” + an (Annual) Roof Wash


Our Maintenance Pamphlet has all of the details that you need to choose your maintenance plan Today!

Text or Call us to request your pamphlet today


Covering What Matters Most.